You lead a busy life and are seeking more –you feel the shifting sands of discontent and long to immerse yourself in your Great Love – horses.
You are seeking new experiences, something special that is all for you. You feel most comfortable when you are in nature and the warm sweet breath of a horse is an antidote to your discontent.
Your dream life is one that has balance. With your own needs being met, you can make a bigger difference in the world through the work you do and the people you touch.
Perhaps then, we are more alike than you think! I’m an experienced traveller, and have lived, worked and travelled extensively in the USA. I am a skilled facilitator and trained HR professional, and have my own consulting company Aspire Connect. I’m also a Veterinarian, mother, sister, wife and HORSE ADDICT!
I also enjoy hiking (which I took up in 2016 when my horse was badly injured!)
I believe that horses are a vehicle for inspiration, discovery, action and a mirror for all we portray and express through our energy.
I want to create a space where women can start the journey towards their dreams and have the confidence, support and encouragement to find their adventurous spark.
I want to be an enabler. Inspired by the courage that lies within, I am inspired by people who use their courage to move forward in their lives.
I provide opportunities for women to make a leap into the unknown, into a more courageous future.
I believe that Equine Travel Adventure enables like-minded women to travel, explore, and feel free – spending time reflecting and exploring their thoughts with others who care.
I use my talents and skills to bring adventurous journeys to women and create a space for reflection and renewal.
About four years ago, I was chatting with a valued confidante and friend, Dana Hughes. We had been working together doing some coaching, and as my layers of discontent peeled away, I was finding it difficult to replace those feelings with anything positive.
As she was leaving one day, I said to her, “You know what I’d love to do? I’d love to take a group of women to Wyoming to go horse riding. Just ride and hike the endless wilderness of mountain trails.”
As she attempted to explore the idea with me, I found a dozen reasons why I couldn’t pursue the idea and why it wouldn’t work. So she let me be. I went back to my day job in HR management, continued building my training and consulting business Aspire Connect, and rode my horses when I could. But life had other plans for me.
Amazingly, the Horse Centred travel idea never went away. So in 2015, a few months after my mum passed away after a five year battle with cancer, I decided to do the very trip that I had envisaged – and I would go alone.

With the help of a travel agent, I arranged a solo trip across five states of North America- Washington, Idaho, Montana, Wyoming and Colorado. “Perhaps this is not about drawing together a group of women to travel? Maybe this is the journey I am meant to take alone?” I wondered.
I began my journey in sparkling Seattle– so easy to get around and experience. I loved it! The food, the cafes and the waterfront- amazing! I travelled across Washington State by coach and attended a Harry Whitney horsemanship clinic in Cashmere, Washington. There I met an amazing bunch of like minded people and made some friends for life. It was one of the most amazing few days of my life! I could feel myself expanding and my confidence returning. My passion for good horsemanship grew and expanded. My knowledge expanded too!
I liked the person who was coming out to play. My authentic self, peeking out from the shadows. I gradually shed the weariness and sadness I’d been feeling and I could feel a sense of peace settle in, despite the hectic schedule I had set myself.
I hired a car and drove alone for two weeks through the most remote country imaginable. Having lived and worked in the USA many years ago, I was used to driving on the “other side” of the road and it came back quickly. I visited the inspiring McGinnis Meadows Cattle and Guest Ranch and vowed to return. Everything about the ranch impressed me. Although I visited for only a day, I was invited for dinner and left as a friend. On and on I journeyed- 3500 miles in all, staying in a tiny lodge in Glacier National Park, travelling the open plains and mountain ranges of Montana, stopping at secluded natural hot springs and enjoying the company of new friends wherever I went.
“I realised then, that it was the endless mountains of Montana that had stolen my heart.”
Onwards I travelled to the amazing Yellowstone National Park then Cody, Wyoming. The Buffalo Bill Centre of the West was a highlight too- I could have spent days there. The native American people’s history was incredible. Onwards through the Grand Tetons to Jackson, then across Wyoming, down in to Colorado and the spectacular Rocky Mountain National Park, before arriving in Denver, triumphant but spent! Three jam packed weeks of adventure.
I came home a different person. “Same, same- but different”, as my kids would say.
It took me a year to digest my experience. I was sure the tapping inside my head would now go away, but it didn’t.
So here I am. I am offering you the opportunity of a lifetime- to come with me on a great big adventure. Join a class, engage in a group session, come on a trip or just join my Facebook group.
My 2017 trip was a huge success. Visit the testimonials page for an inside view from a participants perspective.
I do hope you will join me. xx Jeanette